Causes of Alcoholism Genetics, Family History & Other Risks

« It’s all good progress, but it’s also a sign that they should seek out professional help. » HuffPost is your trusted source for stories that help you lead a better life. We’ve got you covered on all things health, wellness, food, style, parenting, relationships, work, travel and lifestyle.

  • They can discuss co-occurring mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression.
  • Non-abstinence-based recovery models—such as Moderation Management—advocate for reducing one’s alcohol consumption rather than abstaining completely.
  • Doing this in advance will allow time for both people to process the discussion and set clear expectations.
  • People with alcohol use disorder will continue to drink even when drinking causes negative consequences, like losing a job or destroying relationships with people they love.

These shares are down from 2001, when 73% of 12th graders, 64% of 10th graders and 42% of eighth graders said they had drunk alcohol in the previous year. Adults ages 35 to 54, those with a college degree, those with household incomes of $100,000 or more, and those who attend church less than once a week are all more likely than other Americans to drink alcohol. The New Year is finally here, with many participating in Dry January as a way to start 2024 off on a healthier note.

Risk Factors Associated with the Development of an Alcohol Use Disorder

You should also consider attending a local AA meeting or participating in a self-help program such as Women for Sobriety. From sporting events to social situations to work events, alcohol is often presented as the optimal way to bond with others, celebrate important occasions or just kick back and relax. Family dynamics, including how parents treat their children and how they treat each other, also matter. Living with an alcoholic can create numerous problems for family members. It’s estimated that one in every eight American adults struggles with an alcohol problem, and nearly one in four Americans under the age of 30 has alcohol addiction. More therapists should incorporate this into their practice so that more people can benefit.

  • Research suggests that there are significant genetic factors and hereditary elements of alcohol addiction.
  • Selection of patients with severe AH for LT requires a rigorous psychosocial evaluation by a multidisciplinary team including social workers and addiction counselors and psychiatrists.
  • Because many people who experience these reactions tend to avoid alcohol, such genes offer a sort of protection from alcoholism.
  • However, most of these scores are not accurate in identifying patients who are at high risk for recurrent alcohol use but rather are accurate in predicting a low likelihood of relapse.
  • A third definition, behavioral in nature, defines alcoholism as a disorder in which alcohol assumes marked salience in the individual’s life and in which the individual experiences a loss of control over its desired use.

No matter how hopeless alcohol use disorder may seem, treatment can help. If you think you might have a problem with alcohol, call SAMHSA or talk to your healthcare provider. They can help you cope, make a treatment plan, prescribe medications and refer you to support programs. When drinking too much becomes a pattern, you greatly increase your chances of developing an alcohol-related problem. Tolerance means you’ll need more alcohol to feel the same effects you used to feel with less.

Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcoholism, excessive and repetitive drinking of alcoholic beverages to the extent that the drinker repeatedly is harmed or harms others. The harm may be physical or mental; it may also be social, legal, or economic. Because such use is usually considered to be compulsive and under markedly diminished voluntary control, alcoholism is considered by a majority of, but not all, clinicians as an addiction and a disease. Alcoholism is a treatable disease, with many treatment programs and approaches available to support alcoholics who have decided to get help.

what are the causes of alcoholism

Data are emerging on the potential role for glucagon like peptide-1 receptor agonists in the treatment of AUD (110). Underage drinking among U.S. teens has declined over the last 20 years, according to the University why do people become alcoholics of Michigan’s Monitoring the Future survey. In 2023, 46% of 12th graders said they had consumed alcohol in the 12 months prior to the survey, as did 31% of 10th graders and 15% of eighth graders.

What Are the Causes of Alcoholism & Alcohol Abuse?

Although zinc supplementation has been included as an intervention for AH in clinical trials (203), studies of the therapeutic effect of zinc alone are limited. As the Cleveland Clinic excellently states, alcohol use disorder (or alcoholism) is a medical condition where a person is unable to control their heavy or frequent drinking. They continue to drink in an unhealthy manner despite knowing that their behavior could result in negative or devastating consequences. A person’s drinking history heavily influences their likelihood of developing alcoholism. Individuals with a long history of drinking are more likely to become alcoholics than those who have been drinking alcohol for less time. Similarly, individuals who have consumed more alcohol are more likely to become alcoholics than individuals who have consumed less alcohol.

  • In these families, heavy drinking is normalized and glamorized; it becomes socially acceptable, expected, and potentially desirable.
  • A person who experiences feelings of low self-esteem or self-worth may start drinking alcohol more frequently to numb intrusive thoughts.
  • Many times people find these medications help them to quit drinking for good.
  • Our reporters rely on research, expert advice and lived experiences to address all your concerns, big and small.

An informed minority opinion, especially among sociologists, believes that the medicalization of alcoholism is an error. Unlike most disease symptoms, the loss of control over drinking does not hold true at all times or in all situations. The alcoholic is not always under internal pressure to drink and can sometimes resist the impulse to drink or can drink in a controlled way. The early symptoms of alcoholism vary from culture to culture, and recreational public drunkenness may sometimes be mislabeled alcoholism by the prejudiced observer.

« People will do that through social media and or through apps to help support Dry January and can give you that sense of being connected a little bit more. » Fiellin also highlighted the signs a person may need professional help, which can involve medications, behavioral counseling, and support groups such as AA. « And then driving myself home and not having to spend on an Uber, climbing into bed and feeling that clear-headed feeling, I’m like, this is amazing. » « Think about times which are least stressful or the opposite where you might want to celebrate — the latter can catch many people out, » he said.

Treatment for alcoholism often involves a combination of therapy, medication, and support. If you think you might have an alcohol use disorder or if you are worried that your alcohol consumption has become problematic, it is important to talk to your doctor to discuss your treatment options. Unfortunately, the strategy often worsens symptoms of alcoholism and co-occurring disorders. According to Mayo Clinic, drinking increases the likelihood of depression, mood swings, violence and suicide among people with bipolar disorder. An underlying mental illness, such as depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder, can also increase a person’s chances of developing an alcohol problem. That’s because many people use alcohol as a way to self-medicate and relieve their emotional distress.

A trauma-informed counselor can help an individual process their underlying trauma so that they can live a more fulfilling and emotionally healthy life. Additionally, the person receiving treatment can also address their unhealthy drinking behaviors and learn to adapt to triggering situations with more productive coping skills. While someone of any religion can become an alcoholic, individuals who are strict adherents to religions that strongly oppose alcohol are less likely to become alcoholics.